PHP BWmeter is a simple tool for measuring available network bandwidth between your computer and the test web server. It's using JavaScript/AJAX on the browser side for measurements and PHP on the server side for test data generation. The script is really simple, so it should be trivial to use cgi/python/whatever instead. See "example*" files for examples on how to use the script. If you don't want to spend much time on setting it up, just copy any of the examples, they should work out of the box. A very basic BWmeter use in an HTML page is: Upload:
phpbwmeter_run takes 4 arguments: - relative location to phpbwmeter.php script - data size (in KB) - id of element to fill with upload stats - id of element to fill with download stats For more information, see comments in phpbwmeter.js. By default data size is limited to 10MB in the phpbwmeter.php file. Some caveats: - upload is limited by post_max_size in php.ini - if your web server has compression enabled for output, download speed results will be completely bogus. Disable compression - for Apache I did it by setting SetEnv no-gzip dont-vary in .htaccess